"Haven't you made enough on this town
already?" asked a resident of Partridge Road
at the Planning Board Meeting concerning
the Grove Street forest (left). Her question
was directed at Ron Lopez, the North Shore
Construction and Development owner who
has been - let's put it lightly - very involved
with Lexington developments a lot recently.
And he's not the nicest person:
~Tons of lawn signs were put up on about 75%
of the lawns in the town, not to mention in
Bedford, broadcasting the message STOP THE
signs on the stretch of Grove Street closest
to the forest were stolen close to midnight
in September, 2016. A Dewey Rd resident was
woken up to the rowdy sound of laughing.
Looking out her window, she saw a "red
pickup truck" speeding down Grove Street.
Hmmm... who do you think it was?
Anyways, the citizens of Lexington are riled
up at the developers. Says a Turning Mill Road
resident,"I wish the developers would just go.
They've wrecked this town to the point
of no return, but they're still not satisfied!"
Well, there's one thing to say:
If the developers refuse to leave, the citizens
will put up a very admirable fight.